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November 2005 news

Update! - 10/11 2005
Looks like I've managed to update the website on the correct date! Woho :P. Well there's not to many news at this moment, but we'll update as fast as we get any. We'll have the poll up for one more month, since only 50 people have voted (remember, the poll is at the bottom of this page).

Astraware launches Broken Sword mini website + release date! - 9/11 2005
Astraware launched a mini website for Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars, the website contains some information about the game, along with some really good looking screenshots. For those who don't know, Astraware is the publisher for Broken Sword on the Palm OS. The release of Broken Sword for Palm will be Wednsday November 23'rd 2005. Click here to go to the website!

Charles Cecil to work on Da Vinci Code game! - 3/11 2005
"captainbaseballbatboy", a revolution forum user, posted this yesterday:

"2K Games has signed a deal with Sony Pictures to publish the game of the film of the blockbuster Dan Brown novel, The Da Vinci Code.

The game will be available for PS2, Xbox and GameCube and will offer "action-oriented suspense" as you uncover secret societies and ancient conspiracies.

It's being developed by The Collective, the studio behind Indiana Jones and the Emperor's Tomb, Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Mark Ecko's Getting Up: Contents Under Pressure. Charles Cecil, who designed classic point and click adventure Broken Sword, recently joined The Collective to help out.

The Da Vinci Code game will be released in May 2006 alongside the movie, which is being directed by Ron "Richie Cunning-Ham" Howard. Tom Hanks will star, along with Audrey "Amelie" Tautou, Ian "Gandalf" McKellen, Alfred "Doc Oc" Molina and Jean "Leon and the French bloke in Onimusha 3" Reno. "

Sounds very intresting, a Da Vinci Code game, and on the top of that, Revolutions own Charles Cecil is going to work on it!!

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