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November 2004 news

Broken Sword 4 most likely to happen!!! - 29/11 2004
Great news!!! Adventure Gamers is saying:

"Revolution also maintained that Broken Sword 4 was a possibility. According to multiple sources, it now looks like it's not just a possibility but in fact likely to happen. It seems we can no longer assume that Beneath a Steel Sky 2 is the primary, or the only game Revolution
intends to make."

This is great news, because it gets us a further step on Broken Sword 4! We'll get you more news on this as soon as possible!
Check out Adventure Gamers for the full story.

Broken Sword 2.5 English demo out now! - 27/11 2004
Yeah, it's true! The mini-demo for "Broken Sword 2.5 - The Return of the templars" is here in English! You can download it from their website: Click here to go to their site (choose the English as language if you want the English version of the demo)!

Our own Broken Sword 3 review! - 21/11 2004
Our own review is up for Broken Sword 3. This one's done by me (Isak). Check it out by going to the Broken Sword III section (The Games, Broken Sword III) or click here.

4 months! - 10/11 2004
Jeez, times go fast! Now we've been up for four months! Nice! As usual we have a new poll up, and heres the results from the last poll:

Poll #4:
"Would you like to see a 3D remake of Bs1 &/or 2?"
Yes (99) - 53%
No (89) - 47%
Total votes: 188

Nice to see that Broken Sword gamers likes 3D too!
Check out the new poll. Enjoy!

Happy Halloween! - 6/11 2004
Happy Halloween, to everyone sitting waiting for christmas. Rob and Isak wish a happy halloween to everyone out there!

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