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Broken Sword - Review for PC
by: Fender

You are George Stobbart, a young American Lawyer on holiday in Paris, while touring Europe. All is well, until you are witness to an explosion, which shook the whole of Paris. As George, you soon find out that the police have dropped their investigation., and it is up to you to pick it back up again. Following the trail of three supposedly un-linked murders, you uncover a plot, so dangerous, that the world is in danger. You must work against the Templars, and the murderer, throughout the game, and the whole "handicap-match" type plot, adds a whole new edge to the game.

This of course adds to the playability, leaving you with a very near perfect game. Overall, what I am trying to say is this game has one of the best plots I have ever played through better than adventure gaming classics such as The Secret of Monkey Island. So if you haven't got the gist of what I am saying, then listen to this. Broken Sword is an excellent game plot wise. Fair play to Revolution.

So, on to playability. Now, having read my praise on the plot, you may have picked up some little hints on how highly I rate this game. Well, the praise doesn't end here. The plot is immense, and obvious as it is, playability centre's around the plot. In a lot of games, you play the game through once, and then place it on the shelf over your computer, and let it rot for a couple of months. Broken Sword is not one of these games. The month I got it, I played it for maybe 3-5 hours at a time, all the while saying to myself, Just one more puzzle......, or I'll just play it for a few minutes, and end up realising it was 2:00 AM, the keyboard wasn't a very comfortable pillow, and my glass of water had fallen on the floor. Now that was a frequent experience for the first few days, and although that won't happen when your playing through the second time (or the third time, or the fourth time, or the fifth time, or the sixth time, or...) , you will still find your self looking at your watch, and saying things like, Oh crap, I should have gone to bed half an hour ago! or something along those lines. And I suppose, when your talking about playability, you'd have to mention the characters, who always play such a big part in the game. When your at Ireland, you'll see how funny serious people can be....... Oh well, I might as well end by saying that, while there are many top-notch games out there, Broken Sword simply kicks their ass. Oh, yeah, a mark. lets see...

5/5 - Perfect

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