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Broken Sword 2 - Easter Eggs/Secrets

What did you say?:
Give your lucky piece of coal to the goat in Quaramonte City.

Works on: All formats

A familliar face + ...:
In the abandoned London underground, use the hair grip on the vending machine's coin slot, take the coin from the reject slot and put it back in the coin slot. The coin and a chocolate bar will come out, take both of them and walk to the right, use the chocolate with the ghost that appears, nothing will happen. Go left toward the sleepers and you'll now be able to go down the left tunnel. Do that.
Spoiler warning follows... Higlight the text if you want to read it! Do NOT read it if you haven't finished Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars.
The ghost in the London Underground, is Khan dressed in the outfit he had in Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars on the train.

Works on: All formats

Beat the puzzle:
If you want to finish the hardest puzzle in Broken Sword II without doing it, look at the picture below and click where the pointer is.

Works on: PC version

A familliar location:
The painting on the wall is a picture of Villa de Vasconcellos (the Spanish villa from Broken Sword - The Shadow of the Templars).:

Go anywhere you want: Browse your Broken Sword 2 CD 1, In the sword directory should be a file called jel.sys. Copy the file to your Broken Sword 2 Directory and rename it to jel.exe. Type 'help' to get a list of commands, to see a list of locations type 's'. To go to a location type 's ' and then type 'q'. To exit the program, load up a location and quit as you usually would.

Works on: Pc version

If you have found or know any more secrets or easter eggs, please contact us!

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